welshTerrier2  -  Welcome to "The Light Side" Forum - PLEASE READ (Opening Post)
 2/1/2010 7:13:00 AM

We are pleased to make this forum available.  Everyone is free to read what is posted, and we encourage those who register to log in, post a message and share their thoughts. Our goal is to enhance communication for the literacy and adult ed community.

We only have one rule:  respect for others.  While we expect most posts will relate to literacy and adult ed in the General Discussion forum, The Light Side forum is a place to speak about non-literacy topics. This might include such things as weather, vacations, car buying advice, a great recipe or book, or ... whatever.

Disagreements may occur; personal attacks, rude behavior, foul language or any other anti-social conduct will not be tolerated.

At all times, please respect your own privacy and the privacy of other people. Student confidentiality must be maintained at all times.

We look forward to your contributions in our online forum!

If you have any questions about this forum, please send an email to: